1. Avoid photographs with outlets and cords. Something about an electrical outlet screams “not on vacation.” It reminds us that we might have to work while we’re away, and nobody wants to think about that when they’re creating travel “wish lists.” Cords are sloppy. Tuck them away behind the TV or buy a cord cover.
2. Become a superhost. There are so many options out there that people are dying for ways to filter them. Only staying with “superhosts” is one of them. To become a superhost you basically need to respond promptly to guests, keep your place clean, and don’t lie about how nice (or not nice) it is.
3. Lighting, lighting, lighting. Take a tip from this Hollywood Hills home and let the light shine in. Basically, any photo that makes your place look like it might house a serial killer is NOT okay. Always take photos in daylight.
4. No preset tables with food on them. It makes people feel like they’re sitting shiva or, like, ghosts live in your apartment. Please. Don’t.
5. Clean lines. For a rental, minimal is better than maximal. Consider the two-thirds rule: Photograph the space with approximately two-thirds the furnishings you would normally have in it. This is the time to channel your inner Marie Kondo, even if you’re a sucker for piles of paperbacks and throw pillows IRL. Stash any excess in storage or with friends while you're away.
6. Feature one "design" piece. Most short-term rentals can be characterized by a morass of IKEA Poang chairs. Instead, invest in one piece that makes your place stand out. Whether it’s a Knoll Womb Chair, George Nelson’s iconic platform bench by Herman Miller, or even a very unique gumtree find.
7. Be artful. Go tasteful but not generic with what’s on your walls.
8. Fun lighting. Whether you invest in a £20 Himalayan Salt Lamp from Amazon or make a statement with a paper Noguchi Lamp, catchy lighting is an affordable way to bring some ambiance into your space.
9. Don’t gild the lily. If you’ve got an architectural gem, don’t let the furniture steal the show. Take this beautiful 100-year-old wooden house in Tokyo, for example: The designer has opted for subdued furnishings that let the traditional Shōji paper walls and exposed beams stand out.
10. But do accentuate the high points. The owners of this flat in old Barcelona have done a fabulous job accentuating high ceilings and old beams with a strategic paint job.
11. Hire a photographer. Just do it. And yes, an aspiring photographer friend does count. Your Airbnb is not the moment to advertise that this was “shot on iPhone X.”
12. No photos of people. As charming as you are, guests are not coming to visit you.
13. The more photos, the better. The Japanese seem especially practiced at this. When searching for a place to stay in a foreign city, people want to know where the Wi-Fi is, how far the subway is on a map, and what kind of mattress they’ll be sleeping on—all before they even arrive. Lots of detailed photos say, “I am prepared, and I care that you have a good experience.”
14. Feature up-close shots of the sheets and bedding. I mean, people are mostly coming there to sleep so show them what’s up!
15. Emphasize your clean bathroom. People delight in a clean shower and fluffy white towels. If you’ve got a tub, flaunt it.
16. Use creative camera angles to enlarge a space. We’re all familiar with the spacial fictions created by fisheye lenses. It’s perfectly acceptable to add internet “curb appeal” to your listing by employing a wide angle.
17. In a small space, choose sparingly. This studio in New York does a great job of selecting minimal pieces to create a curated feel. See here for more tips on minimizing visual clutter.
18. Abstain from excessive photos of the neighborhood. Just because you live around the corner from the Prado, Magnolia Bakery, or the Trevi Fountain does not mean you can use 40 outdoor photos to mask the fact your place has a crappy futon and no welcome mat. Beware.
19. Don’t be afraid to take a design risk.
20. Just be honest. Think of your Airbnb listing like your dating profile. Show your best self but don’t exaggerate your dimensions.